Thursday, 17 April 2014

Common Misconceptions about Sustainable Packaging

Sustainability is a huge buzz word no matter where you go today. No longer seen as a passing trend, being environmentally conscious means far more than just looking for ways to be eco-friendly. No matter the industry, for many, sustainability has become a much more important aspect of everyday business activities. And if it hasn’t, there are likely consequences that have far reaching impacts.
When it comes to business, there are two major misconceptions surrounding sustainability. In an effort to dispel these myths, here is a look at both of them, and what is problematic with these assumptions.
o   Myth #1: Recyclable means sustainable.
Many individuals still seem to fall prey to the misunderstanding that if something can be recycled, then it is sustainable. This is a huge misconception, not only in the business world, by society as a whole. The truth is, sustainability is so much more than an object being recyclable. 
In an effort to be perceived as more earth conscious, many companies strive to package with recyclable materials, without a clear understanding or focus on sustainability.  Sustainability encompasses the entire process, from design, to manufacturing, to packaging, to shipping. For example, when a manufacturer focuses on sustainability, less paper may be used throughout the process, and the process itself likely uses less energy. Less packaging, and sustainable packaging, will be the end result – but with the same structural integrity.
o   Myth #2: Being business savvy doesn’t necessitate a focus on the environment.
The argument that green output won’t lead to green intake is another problem when it comes to misconceptions about sustainability. But think about it this way, when you work with a packaging manufacturer focused on providing sustainable packaging, you end up with less packaging overall – which means less storage room required, lower shipping costs – less fossil fuel, etc. It actually makes prefect business sense. Furthermore, with social expectations continuing to move towards more eco-friendly living, the perception of your company as one with an eye on the earth is a benefit in and of itself.
The right sustainable packaging should accomplish a number of different goals: protect, showcase the product, and be recyclable everywhere. That being said, it should also be made in a facility where there is an emphasis on using the right materials and processes that facilitate sustainability. To truly call your product sustainable, it needs to meet certain standards that go far beyond just being recyclable.
For more about the business benefits of sustainable packaging please contact Packaging Technologies Inc. today by calling 1-800-303-5883 or visit

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