Thursday, 24 April 2014

Working Relationships: Principles of Collaboration

When you begin a relationship with a supplier, some of the most common problems arise because of issues with collaboration. Even within an individual team, when certain principles of collaboration are not adhered to, problems can quickly arise. Collaboration means different things to different people, but no matter the relationship, firmly embracing common principles is the most effective way to ensure success.
Common principles of collaboration can be hard to nail down – but the concept is so important to grasp when in a partnership both within your own team and with another company. Here is our list of the top principles of collaboration, and how taking these seriously can result in an effective and fruitful relationship.
1.     Communication – arguably the most important aspect of collaboration. If the lines of communication are closed, problems are inevitable. Listening and offering opinions is critical to teamwork that yields results.
2.     Participation – in order for any relationship to work, there needs to be participation from both sides. And make sure to promote it – after all, two heads are better than one. Encouraging participation helps to broaden perspectives and will result in more free-flowing ideas. 
3.     Trust –trust is another essential element of collaboration. Being transparent with information is crucial if that is to be achieved. Make sure that all debates are had in the open and that the entire group has access to the latest information.
4.     Respect – for both team members within a company, and for companies working collaboratively, respect is key. Each person within this partnership has something of value to offer, and this needs to be recognized and appreciated. 
5.     Feedback – communication isn’t just about hearing others’ views/ideas/opinions; it is also about taking those ideas and opinions and making changes. Feedback, no matter the relationship, is crucial. If there are perceived problems, the only way to make improvements is to learn why these issues exist. 
6.     Independence – learn when to step out of the way and let someone run with an idea. Micro-managing or trying to have a hand in everything won’t prove beneficial. Understand that collaboration doesn’t just mean listening and working together – it also means knowing when someone needs some freedom to move. 
7.     Persistence – finally, you have to be persistent. A consistent application of these core principles shows that you are concerned about results, and reassures teammates of their importance.
Collaboration can be tough, but when approached the right way, can yield huge results. When it comes to a working relationship with another company, remember to communicate, respect, and trust the expertise of those you’ve chosen to work with.
PTI understands how important collaboration is. To get a relationship started, contact us today by calling 1-800-303-5883.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Common Misconceptions about Sustainable Packaging

Sustainability is a huge buzz word no matter where you go today. No longer seen as a passing trend, being environmentally conscious means far more than just looking for ways to be eco-friendly. No matter the industry, for many, sustainability has become a much more important aspect of everyday business activities. And if it hasn’t, there are likely consequences that have far reaching impacts.
When it comes to business, there are two major misconceptions surrounding sustainability. In an effort to dispel these myths, here is a look at both of them, and what is problematic with these assumptions.
o   Myth #1: Recyclable means sustainable.
Many individuals still seem to fall prey to the misunderstanding that if something can be recycled, then it is sustainable. This is a huge misconception, not only in the business world, by society as a whole. The truth is, sustainability is so much more than an object being recyclable. 
In an effort to be perceived as more earth conscious, many companies strive to package with recyclable materials, without a clear understanding or focus on sustainability.  Sustainability encompasses the entire process, from design, to manufacturing, to packaging, to shipping. For example, when a manufacturer focuses on sustainability, less paper may be used throughout the process, and the process itself likely uses less energy. Less packaging, and sustainable packaging, will be the end result – but with the same structural integrity.
o   Myth #2: Being business savvy doesn’t necessitate a focus on the environment.
The argument that green output won’t lead to green intake is another problem when it comes to misconceptions about sustainability. But think about it this way, when you work with a packaging manufacturer focused on providing sustainable packaging, you end up with less packaging overall – which means less storage room required, lower shipping costs – less fossil fuel, etc. It actually makes prefect business sense. Furthermore, with social expectations continuing to move towards more eco-friendly living, the perception of your company as one with an eye on the earth is a benefit in and of itself.
The right sustainable packaging should accomplish a number of different goals: protect, showcase the product, and be recyclable everywhere. That being said, it should also be made in a facility where there is an emphasis on using the right materials and processes that facilitate sustainability. To truly call your product sustainable, it needs to meet certain standards that go far beyond just being recyclable.
For more about the business benefits of sustainable packaging please contact Packaging Technologies Inc. today by calling 1-800-303-5883 or visit

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Innovation Awards - Why We Love Them

Innovation awards serve a number of important purposes, both within an organization, and for that organization’s clients, and PTI is excited to announce the first annual awards for “Innovation in the Workplace.” With the goal to continuously improve, these awards give employees that chance to showcase their ideas, both for new or improved products and services, which is great not only for the company, but for our partners as well!
Within an organization, innovation awards are a great way to recognize achievement. When a team member feels appreciated, this goes a long way in building confidence, while at the same time delivering those improvements that help a company remain competitive. The awards are a great way to show that ideas are appreciated. A focus on the customer, and their needs and wants, informs the process, ensuring that a company is meeting and exceeding expectations.
Engagement is also achieved through innovation awards. When employees can see that the company is interested in their ideas, that their future with the company and the work they do is valuable, performance will always benefit. And who better to express ideas and designs than those that handle customer requests and manufacturing on a daily basis?
By far, the most important purpose of innovation awards is to promote innovation! In order to stay relevant, to ensure that we are meeting the expectations of our clients, and keeping up with demands, adaptation and innovation is critical. The implementation of these ideas can have significant results as far as enhancing services, adopting new technology, or embracing the newest trends and making them our own. Remaining static is a sure way to hinder success, and continued innovation is the best way to combat standing still.
So how does this benefit a client? The implementation of these innovations helps to ensure that a company is able to offer products and services that take into account the most recent and effective trends within the industry. Within the packaging industry, this may have to do with trends surrounding sustainability, or even with the newest technology and products, such as lightweight containerboard. No matter the changes, when we adapt, we grow – and clients are the ones to reap the benefits.
At PTI, we are interested in both our growth and yours! For us, this is one of the best ways to achieve this growth!
For more about PTI’s first annual awards for “Innovation in the Workplace” and how you can benefit, please contact us by calling 1-800-303-5883.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Online Grocery Shopping Impacts: Packaging Solutions

It is no surprise in today’s digital world to hear about the rise of online shopping and how many stores are continually trying to adapt and maintain a hold on their in-store sales. A consumer’s ability to jump online whenever they want, from wherever they are, has had many an impact on various businesses – and there have been significant changes as a result. But what about online grocery shopping - what impact is it having?
Perhaps just as predictable, it seems as though the convenience of purchasing a book or a new jacket online just doesn’t translate the same way when it comes to grocery items. When it comes to buying online, grocery continues to lag behind – the trend still seemingly to buy in-store when the need arises.
So, knowing this, does that mean then that online shopping really doesn’t impact consumer behaviour when it comes to the CPG industry? Not quite. Just because most are not, doesn’t mean that all are not. So the question then is not if it is impacting (since it clearly is), but rather how.
There are a number of impacts – most notably the decreasing reluctance to buy online, especially those items than are non-perishable and can be stored for weeks on end. But consumer behaviour in store has also changed, and those in the CPG industry have had to change as well. So is the online shopper the newest objective, or is the consumer shopping in-store still the most important target?

The in-store shopper still needs to be a main focus – and the best way to do this is with effective packaging solutions. Ok, you get that, but the same old, same old, just won’t work as well when it comes to beating out the competition. And smart packaging can also mean huge ROI when it comes to impulse purchases – great packaging that sparks interest or draws a customer in can mean huge results for your bottom line.
What about those purchasing online? Does packaging matter here? Absolutely! Smart packaging solutions in this case means taking advantage of the free advertising by turning a boring old shipping box into an eye-catching, thought-provoking container for goods.  Think about the route that package takes from warehouse to consumer – there is a market here that continues to go untapped!

When it comes to the impact of online shopping on the grocery industry, most will readily admit that these have not been as visible – but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be cognizant of them or taking advantage with custom packaging that gets attention.
For more intelligent packaging solutions please contact Packaging Technologies Inc. by calling 1-800-303-5883 or visit