Thursday, 14 August 2014

Who is Generation Z and How Do You Market to Them?

It is common knowledge in the retail packaging world that your brand image and product packaging caters to a specific target group, or groups. Whether you cater to boomers, millenials, or generation x, your packaging campaign likely strives to grab the attention of potential consumers and boost sales. But what about the newest recruits to the team: generation z? Who are they and how do you market to them?
Firstly, who is generation z? Like any other generational segment, it seems that exacts are hard to pin down, but it is generally accepted that anyone born between the mid to late 1990s to the present is part of this cohort. As youngsters, this group was often marketed to in a way that greatly mirrored the way children have been marketed to over the ages. However, with many of them coming of age, they now represent huge buying power, as well as a really crucial marketing group that requires some careful consideration.
This generation seems to share a number of common characteristics, including their adeptness with technology and their desire for constant innovation. As a result, traditional marketing tactics may need a boost when it comes to attracting generation z-ers. Here are some of those common characteristics and how you can use these trends to market to the group.

They are similar to their predecessors (generation x-ers) in that value seems to trump brand loyalty, but this can represent a great opportunity to catch their attention. The trend seems to be trying new things rather than sticking with the same old, same old. As a result, your opportunities to attract new consumers here is big – especially if your packaging caters to the other common characteristics of this group.
Fresh first. When it comes to consumables, the trend with this group seems to be to go fresh or go home. But it isn’t just the food that needs to be fresh – the packaging needs to be as well. Design campaigns that catered to the same age demographic several years ago may miss the mark completely. Instead, think about working with a company to develop a design that hits that mark.

Sustainability. Since this group has grown up in the eco-friendly age, their needs are such that sustainable packaging makes a major difference when it comes to purchasing decisions. Give these buyers the option to buy paper or plastic and they will go paper every time – and packaging is no different. If you can claim sustainable packaging, you are ahead of the game.
Convenience is big. As much as members of generation z are big on fresh foods, they also like convenience. If you offer a product that can hit both of these, you are running strong. Pre-packaged foods that make quick consumption on-the-go easy are a big hit with the ‘z’ crowd, so perhaps it is time to think about how your packaging can accomplish this.

As with marketing to any other generation, generation z takes some work – but the payouts can be huge.  Contact Packaging Technologies Inc. today to find out how to get a campaign going to attract this growing segment of the population: 1-800-303-5883.

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