Thursday, 19 June 2014

Product Packaging: Driving Profits for Customers

No matter what industry you are in, when you offer a product, you know how important product packaging is. Not only does your packaging need to protect your product both during transport and on the shelf, the packaging design itself needs to make an impact and attract the customer, enticing them to purchase. Furthermore, all of this needs to be done efficiently and effectively, while maintaining high standards of quality and functionality.
Your entire process, from design, to manufacturing, to shipping, to storage, can be fraught with different challenges. Meeting and overcoming these challenges without decreasing profit can be difficult, but with the right product packaging company behind you, you can be sure that the process is one that is cost-effective and well-organized.
Many of the problems you are likely to encounter can actually be overcome at the design/manufacturing stage. When your product packaging is done in a way that takes all of the potential issues into consideration, you benefit across the board. Your bottom line can never be ignored, and so cost reduction should always be on your to-do list. This can be realized a number of ways.
Firstly, think about the materials being used. Is your product packaging company offering you the highest-quality materials that can decrease waste and damages? What about shipping – are you using the lightest-weight materials that don’t compromise on strength? Lighter weight paper choices and designs that optimize cube utilization can reduce inventory and freight costs.
Additionally, secondary packaging designs such as pallet packaging and retail ready shipper/ display packaging can reduce primary packaging, further reducing overall packaging costs, waste and material handling.

Furthermore, at the design stage, does your packaging company consider the latest trends, utilizing the science of colour or recognizing the importance of sustainability? If not, your bottom line may suffer.
Another issue many companies face that can be overcome with the right packaging company is inventory control. No matter the size of your warehouse or stockroom, it may always seem as though you just don’t have enough room, so keeping overstock on hand can amplify that issue. Beat this by working with a company that offers a vendor managed inventory system to keep your excess packaging on hand, out of sight, but there when you need it.

When costs increase in other areas of your business such as raw materials or labour, often packaging is the most immediate area where you can realize cost reductions.
For more about how your product packaging company can help you achieve real cost reductions throughout your entire process, please contact Packaging Technologies Inc. today by calling 1-800-303-5883.  

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