Here at Packaging Technologies we always strive to stay
ahead of the game by continually keeping up with what is going on in the
packaging industry. Much of this comes from attending events across North
America to get the latest on packaging trends new methods, and making important
A few weeks ago we had the pleasure of attending PPEC’s (The
Paper and Paperboard Packaging Environmental Council) Paper Facts and Fiction,
an amazing event featuring a number of well-known speakers within the industry,
including the council’s very own executive director, who spoke about the
current challenges and opportunities for the coming months, as well as dealing
with some of those common myths that seem to be prevalent within the industry.
We also heard from Dan Lantz, COO of Green by Nature, and
his information on sustainability and recycling and recovery has helped
revitalize thoughts on going green!
The packaging industry is fraught with competition, and as
such we believe that in order to stay relevant we need to be current. We use
the knowledge we are always obtaining to provide you with the best service, the
most current methods, and the most earth-friendly packaging solutions
This prompted us to consider the new studies done by the
University of Guelph regarding the dangers with reusable plastic shipping – and
the presence of E.coli in these often unsanitary crates. Check out this article
for more information:
Recognizing that reusable isn’t always the best alternative,
and knowing that sustainability, specifically related to packing material, has
become such a crucial consideration for many companies, we ask the question
“how do you then ship with a concern for the environment AND ensure that
products arrive as you want them to”?
When sustainability (and we are talking complete
sustainability) is a concern for you, the only real alternative is recyclable
paper packaging – packaging that takes into consideration all the relevant
specifications required for shipping, ensures safe and clean shipping, and is
created in a way that not only protects your products but also protects the
For more about the Paper Facts and Fiction event, or what we
took away from it, or for more about sustainable packaging, please contact
Packaging Technologies Inc. today by calling 1-800-303-5883 today.