Monday, 23 December 2013

Custom Packaging Strategies for Direct Mail Marketing

When it comes to product promotion, packaging plays an essential role in attracting customers. Great packaging can be highly influential in an individual’s decision to purchase a product – but so too can a poorly packaged product lead a customer to turn to your competitor. Packaging has to grab a customer’s attention within a matter of seconds – you don’t have a great deal of time. And when you are marketing through direct mail you have even less time to catch someone’s eye. So, should you just stick with the same old snail mail and a boring brown box? Nope – think about how custom packaging can upgrade your direct mail marketing.

Many companies still use plain brown boxes when shipping through the post, relying on other marketing methods, and quickly cast aside the opportunities this form of marketing represents. Think about it this way: how often do you glance at that brown box a person carries out under their arm from the post office – probably not very often. But what if that box was colorful and creative, and branded with a company logo? The box becomes more profitable then, doesn’t it?

Design: In the packaging world, design reigns supreme. That being said, the KISS principle is usually a good place to start – after all, if it is too tough to quickly navigate the design, the chance to attract is lost. Use colours that customers associate with your brand, or that speak to your product.

Branding: Branding is crucial when it comes to increasing recognition and creating customer loyalty.
When a customer can relate to a product or a connection is made, it is easier to continually reaffirm that connection. Make sure that your company brand is clearly visible on your package.

Internet centered business: This direct mail marketing is even more important for those businesses that focus solely on online sales. According to the Financial Post, online sales are expected to reach the $34 million dollar a year mark by 2018, so this isn’t just a fad. And when you don’t have a storefront, creative and innovative marketing plays a crucial role in your overall sales. Here packaging is essential. With custom packaging you can be sure that this additional form of marketing receives notice, thereby influencing both current and potential customers.

When it comes to direct mail marketing, there are a number of different ways to attract attention, but custom packaging is by far one of the most important yet underutilized forms out there. In the retail industry, competition is stiff, so why not take advantage of every outlet available.

For more about custom packaging for direct mail marketing please contact Packaging Technologies Inc. at 1-800-303-5883 or visit us online at

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Sustainable Packaging - The Not So New Kid on the Block?

Sustainability is not a new word anymore, no matter the industry you are in. Reducing your carbon footprint is essential for many companies, and your position on this issue can hold a lot of sway when it comes to enticing customers. Sustainable packaging is critical when it comes to reducing the environmental impact right at the source.

What is sustainable packaging? In a nutshell, sustainable packaging refers to the process of manufacturing packaging which results in improved sustainability. This means far more than just reducing the plastic used or being able to recycle your packaging – the entire process should reflect a dedication to creating earth-consciousness.

Let’s go back to grade school and focus on the 3 Rs: reduce, reuse, recycle.

• Reduce: We mentioned reducing the carbon footprint and impact on the environment, so how can this be done? A sustainable packaging company should design and manufacture packaging that decreases the material used while still maintaining structural support and integrity. Just because a corrugated box is made from eco-friendly materials doesn’t mean that you should sacrifice strength.
• Reuse: The sustainable packaging process isn’t just about the material used in your finished product; it is also about what isn’t used. If the excess material is just thrown in the bin, this isn’t very earth conscious. Instead, trim can be reused for recycled paperboard and pallets should be reused to save on transport costs.
• Recycle: Is the material being used renewable? Recyclable? Bio-degradable? Is it made from recycled materials?

Does sustainability always mean more money? No. In fact, in order for a company to be considered sustainable it has to meet certain criteria, one of which is cost-effectiveness. This means that if your product is too expensive, it may not necessarily sell, so its position as sustainable loses a great deal of its relevancy. Instead, the product should be cost efficient and earth-minded. Additionally, a great company should offer you alternatives that can save you money, such as substitute board or paper packaging that can also save money with shipping.

At PTI, we are committed to sustainability. Our water based inks, our state-of-the art waste water treatment system, and our waste removal system, all coupled with a focus on the use of sustainable materials, work together to ensure that the end result is one that you can be proud of.

For more about the importance of sustainable packaging please contact Packaging Technologies Inc. by calling 1-800-303-5883.


Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Retail Packaging Suppliers: Top 10 Characteristics to Look For

A box is a box is a box, right? No. By no means is all packaging created equal, and if you want your brand to be successful, having packaging that presents a strong brand image is crucial. But how can you tell the difference between a great packaging supplier and one that is less than stellar? Here are our top 10 characteristics to look for when researching packaging suppliers. 

1.     Reputation: First of all, do they have one, or are you just banking on a company you found on a whim? Is there a website? Do they have years of experience under their belt? Can you find what others have to say about them? Awards won are often a great indication of quality. Quality speaks volumes, so if you can’t hear anything, avoidance is probably a smart idea.  

2.     Image: Does the supplier’s image mirror your own, or what you feel should be displayed through your packaging? Here we don’t mean packaging that is the same, but is the image presented by the company one you can get behind? 

3.     Customized: Are you offered a cookie cutter approach or is it totally customizable? Are designers held in-house to consult with you about overall design and to create a unique plan for your package marketing? 

4.     Retail-Ready Packaging: With so many big box stores demanding retail-ready packaging, be sure that compliance with these guidelines is a mandate of the packaging suppliers you are considering.  

5.     Innovative Process: Is the product offered the same as all of those other packaging suppliers out there, or is there innovation? Is their process unique within the industry? Do they offer PrePrint for example, or are you limited as far as choices for packaging? 

6.     Inventory Management: Don’t have the extra room to store packaging before it is needed? Make sure that your supplier offers inventory management to store your product after completion to be delivered to you on an ‘as-needed’ basis.  

7.     Sustainability: Not just a buzz word anymore, sustainability is critical, especially with packaging. But make sure that just because it is eco-friendly doesn’t mean you are sacrificing on strength.  

8.     Up-to-Date: The packaging industry is always evolving, so make sure that your supplier is keeping up with current trends. 

9.     Service: Are deliveries on-time? Is there accountability? You don’t want to have a great product but then suffer because service is not on par.  

10.  Communication: Is the supplier easy to get in touch with? It can be really frustrating when you have a question or your calls are not returned, so make sure that the lines of communication are continually kept open through a variety of channels (telephone, email, etc.).  

Take this list to the bank next time you decide to rethink your packaging strategy. It will pay off big time!  

For more about what packaging suppliers should offer and how you can benefit, please contact Packaging Technologies Inc. today at 1-800-303-5883 or visit us online at

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Custom Packaging with High Graphic Printing – The Ins and Outs

There is a great deal of truth to the theory that image is everything, and so if your brand is struggling due to package printing problems, or if your packaging isn’t up to your brand standards, it might be time to rethink your printing strategy. Custom packaging using high graphic printing techniques is the best way to ensure optimal appearance without sacrificing on strength.

Here are the ins and outs of flexoprint PrePrint, high graphic printing:

First of all, what exactly is PrePrint? PrePrint refers to the process of printing on the outer liner of a corrugated container, before construction of the final product, as opposed to printing on the finished container. The printing process involves the use of printing plates, with the printing surface raised above the non-printing area. This means that when ink is applied to the plate, only the raised area comes into contact with the roller. This not only means a far more efficient process, but one that comes out cleaner and more refined.

What are the advantages of PrePrint? There are several. Because of the process, PrePrint ensures consistent print quality, eliminating defects and imperfections. When you print after the corrugation process, you are often limited to only 4 colours, at a line screen of between 60 and 100.  With PrePrint, your range of colour options increases considerably, and you can print at a line screen of 133 to 150. This makes a big difference when it comes to the quality of the finished product.

Also important: PrePrint eliminates the occurrence of a ‘fluted’ appearance. When you print directly onto the completed container, the chances of ridges and a warped image increase significantly, whereas PrePrint removes this possibility.

When is PrePrint your best option? Flexoprint PrePrint is typically used for larger projects, those with production quantities of 10,000 or more boxes. Also, when high impact graphics are required, PrePrint is far more reliable. Complex printing with heavy ink coverage or specialty inks and varnishes are also better served with PrePrint. Furthermore, if you are a provider in the frozen food market and are looking for strong, water resistant or freezer safe packaging, PrePrint is far more consistent and dependable.

If you are looking to enhance your brand image through your packaging, stop relying on litho-folding carton packaging and start using flexoprint PrePrint high graphic printing.

And if you want even more recognition, make sure that your design is customized to meet your exact specifications. Make sure that the company you choose to work with offers custom packaging, done in consultation with you.

Packaging Technologies Inc. has the only mid-web PrePrint press in Canada. We take your printing needs seriously. For more about our process and its benefits, please call 1-800-303-5883.